Eric Niquette UI, UX, Accessibility

Ramblings on the design, usability, and accessibility of the modern web

My name is Eric Niquette. I'm a Canadian digital accessibility engineer and UI/UX designer. I write about technology, design, usability, front-end development, and all things accessibility.

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Aeropsia, the neurological disorder also known as Visual Snow Syndrome
Designing accessible PowerPoint presentations
Physical pain and its impact on digital accessibility
Configuring the NVDA screen reader for multilingual testing
The PDF format is still bad for accessibility and you probably shouldn't use it
Writing and remediating accessible tables in HTML documents
Validating and remediating PDF documents for accessibility


Accessible footnotes, endnotes and references in HTML with CSS and JavaScript automation
Dynamic and accessible input character counter using JavaScript
Building a minimalistic carousel-like feature using CSS and the browser's built-in scrollbar
Force the download of PDF documents using HTML or by modifying server responses headers
Description, syntax, and semantic usage of common PDF tags


Fixing issues with lazy loaded images and anchor targets
Floats and clears: a brief history of layout design before grid and flex
Championing usability and accessibility with HTML semantics
The impact of semantic buttons, anchors, and input buttons on accessibility


Installing the launcher and Blizzard games on the Steam Deck
High-quality, low-latency in-home game streaming with Sunshine and Moonlight